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Idea 的奇幻漂流

The Journey of an Idea

date. 2016

client. Medialand Human Resources Department



這個骨牌裝置,是集合Medialand全體夥伴的心血所打造。我們動員公司的夥伴共同參與研發,骨牌裝置繞行辦公室各個空間與會議室,呈現出一個創意在米蘭誕生的過程,同時展現公司“Work Hard Play Hard”的企業精神。

The birth of an idea relies on the strength of the entire team.

We mobilized our company partners to participate in research and development together.
The domino installation winds through various spaces and meeting rooms in the office,
showcasing the creative process that took place in Medialand and embodying our company's spirit of "Work Hard, Play Hard."

Credit :  Copy / Concept development for the device

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