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​時間的歌 聲音採集計畫

Song of Transience: Sound Collection Project

date. 2016

client. 陳綺貞X添翼工作室



當歌手陳綺貞在製作『時間的歌』專輯時,她走訪台灣與世界各地,錄製多樣的聲音。我們運用「VR 虛擬實境 360環景拍攝技術」來還原當時的錄音現場,讓歌迷進入網站時,能感受歌手當時錄音地點的全景動態影像。

同時,我們也開發了「聲音採集APP」,讓網友隨手錄下生活中的聲音並上傳,或在instagram上分享短片並標記 #時間的歌。這些聲音都將即時收錄在《時間的歌-聲音採集計畫》網站上,使得時間的歌不斷持續,讓歌迷與陳綺貞一同共創一首時間不停、就沒有終點的歌。

We collaborated with the beloved singer to create a song that embraces endless moments.​

During the production of her album "Song of Transience," singer Cheer Chen traveled to various locations in Taiwan and around the world, capturing diverse and rich sounds.Using VR (Virtual Reality) 360-degree panoramic shooting technology, we recreated the recording scenes, allowing fans to immerse themselves in dynamic panoramic images of the actual recording locations as they visit our website.


Furthermore, we developed a "Sound Collection APP" that allows netizens to record everyday sounds and upload them or share short videos on Instagram with the hashtag #時間的歌. These sounds are instantly included in the "Song of Transience- Sound Collection Project" website. This ensures that the "Song of Transience" continues to thrive, and fans, together with Cheer Chen, participate in co-creating a song without an end.


Credit :  Copy / Web & APP Planner

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