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​每一個 Zero 背後, 都有無數個 Hero

Behind every "zero", there are countless heroes.

date. 2020

client. Coca-Cola

Branding / Social content



After months of tense uncertainty amidst the outbreak of the pandemic in Taiwan,
every day at noon, the entire nation awaited the press conference on epidemic prevention, and finally heard the long-awaited announcement of "zero confirmed cases today."

In a moment of joy, the brand promptly shared a post that echoed the gratitude of the entire Taiwanese population towards every unsung hero who had tirelessly contributed to the fight for Taiwan.

Credit: Copy

當日貼文成功引起了通路品牌的合作促銷,並促使消費者自主購買並支持Coke zero !

The post on that day successfully triggered collaboration promotions with channel brands and encouraged consumers to make independent purchases and support the product.

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